Alex Cheung


Alex is an associate in the Tenancy Department and has his focus on area related to lease and tenancy and advises client on such area. He advises major developers of Hong Kong for lease and tenancy related affairs and relevant laws and regulations. In addition, Alex has solid experience on practice area related to probate and administration and has acted for various clients for application of Probate, Letters of Administration and gives advice on matters in relation to administration of estates and enduring Power of Attorney.

Prior to joining the firm, Alex had various experience on civil and criminal litigation. He represented clients in civil and criminal cases at all levels of court in Hong Kong.

Professional Qualifications

  • Solicitor in Hong Kong (2015)
  • Solicitor in England and Wales (2023) (non-practising)


  • LLB (Hons), University of Warwick


  • English
  • Cantonese
  • Putonghua